"Saving one dog will not change the world,
but surely for that one dog,
the world will change forever."
All dogs with Code Red Rescue are from a shelter local to North Texas. In order to continue getting more dogs from the shelter, we need more foster homes to safely house them! Foster homes with Code Red Rescue are the bridge between a horrible fate and a happy forever. Code Red Rescue provides any supplies you'll need and pays for any medical care that the dogs need.
How to Foster:
1. Complete the Foster Application
2. Applications will be reviewed and screened by Code Red Rescue staff
3. We will contact you via email about getting your foster dog
4. We will coordinate getting you all the supplies you'll need to foster
5. We will work closely with you until your foster dog is adopted
Fostered dogs can be in your home anywhere from a few days to a few months. Their length of stay depends on the pictures you take, the description you write, the number of Fort Worth adoption events you are able to attend, and more. We ask that you only inquire if you are serious about the commitment of fostering a dog until they are adopted.
Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to see dogs that we want to pull from shelters to see if there are any you would be interested in fostering.
Check out some of our happily fostered dogs below!